Published on WebMD.com, February 19, 2019
Author: Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD
“Some nutrition info gets passed around so much that nobody bothers to think about whether it actually makes any sense—or whether it’s accurate. Case in point: Monosodium glutamate (MSG), popularly known as ‘that stuff in Chinese food that gives you a headache’. But is that even true?”
“The FDA classifies MSG as “generally recognized as safe”, the same designation that ingredients like sugar and baking soda have. They say the body metabolizes MSG the same way it does the natural glutamate found in food. Also of note: The International Headache Society no longer includes MSG on their list of headache triggers.?”
“Sprinkle a little bit into a casserole or batch of soup and see if you like the way it makes your food taste–and the way it makes you feel. Because in my opinion, it’s much better to know the facts (and try it firsthand) than to rely on rumor.”