Food Unwrapped, the British television documentary series, in its season 6 premiere episode (airing on the 31st of August, 2015) addresses the question: “Are alarming headlines about MSG justified?”
Here is the episode on YouTube:
The journalists conclude:
“When it is monosodium glutamate (as an additive to foods) you should use the same sort of wisdom as you do when using table salt. At that point you are using MSG at the right levels within the food. There have been more than 80 scientific studies into MSG over the last 30 years and the overwhelming consensus is that MSG is safe to eat.”
Food Unwrapped is broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK, and the YouTube channel is called “Unwrapped.” The Food Unwrapped series attempts to find out how our food is really made and the industry secrets behind our favorite foods. Its first broadcast was on the 10th of September, 2012.